Will Fortenberry Support Another Government Shutdown And Default Threat?
Representative Jeff Fortenberry has a troubling history of supporting default threats and government shutdowns. This is because — despite his effort to portray himself as a moderate — Fortenberry has a consistent history of voting with his party bosses and the most extreme elements in the GOP House caucus. Currently, Fortenberry has voted with Trump 95% of time. My […]
OWH: Nebraska Dems knock GOP officials for not criticizing Trump’s Charlottesville comments
By Joseph Morton WASHINGTON — Nebraska Democrats have criticized members of the state’s all-Republican congressional delegation for not joining the growing GOP chorus criticizing President Donald Trump over his remarks this week about Charlottesville. Former Rep. Brad Ashford, D-Neb., is seeking a rematch against Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb. He criticized Bacon in a statement. “President […]
LJS: Reaction to Charlottesville stirs Nebraska political debate
By Don Walton The raging political argument over President Donald Trump’s response to the violence that erupted at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville began Wednesday to seep into Nebraska’s upcoming 2018 congressional races. While Rep. Jeff Fortenberry condemned in particular “the vile, racist protests and murder perpetrated by the despicable KKK, Nazis and other […]
Crawford for Congress Statement in Response to Fortenberry’s Continuing Silence in the Face of Trump’s Racism
Many prominent Republicans are responding courageously to the racist remarks that Trump made earlier today at his press conference. Senator Marco Rubio said: “The organizers of events which inspired & led to the Charlottesville terrorist attack are 100% to blame. “ Ohio Governor John Kasich blasted Trump saying: “There is no moral equivalency to Nazi […]
Crawford for Congress Statement on Outbreak of White Supremacist/Nazi Violence in Charlottesville, Virginia
I am both outraged and saddened by the outbreak of white supremacist and Nazi violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. This kind of hatred and violence must be strongly condemned in no uncertain terms. As President John F. Kennedy said; “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain […]
Crawford for Congress Statement on the Defeat of Obama Care Repeal
Last night’s vote in the Senate reflects the fact that a majority of the American people recognize the principle of universal health coverage. Most Americans never want to see millions of Americans denied access to decent and affordable health care because they are sick, or may get sick or are poor. Now that the Congressional […]
Crawford For Congress Statement On Trump-Russia Scandal: Silence Is No Longer An Option
While the Trump-Russia scandal has unfolded over the last few months, Representative Jeff Fortenberry has said and done nothing. When he was asked by the Omaha World Herald to respond to the latest revelations, Fortenberry’s office said the Congressman had “no comment.” It is now time for Fortenberry to put his country and his state […]
Crawford For Congress Statement On Senate Health Bill
For the last eight years, the Republicans have been promising to replace the ACA with a plan that would insure more people, reduce premiums and have lower deductibles. Trump promised to replace the ACA with “something terrific.” The former TV reality star also promised “great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost” and […]