In the News
NFD: Dennis Crawford Voter Guide Profile
Dennis Crawford Age: 58 Occupation: Attorney Political party: Democratic Website: Crawford points to his record of fighting for the rights of working families as an attorney and work on behalf of those with intellectual disabilities. What would be your priorities for the next two years? My top priority would be to fix the health […]
LJS: AFL-CIO makes candidate endorsements
The Nebraska AFL-CIO endorsed the following local candidates in the May 15 primary election: Legislature: Matt Hansen, Lincoln (District 26); Patty Pansing Brooks, Lincoln (District 28); Don Schuller, Wymore (District 30). U.S. House: Dennis P. Crawford, Lincoln (District 1). Nebraska Board of Regents: Larry Bradley, Omaha (District 4). State Board of Education: Patricia Timm, Beatrice […]
OWH: Health care tops agendas of two Democrats hoping to challenge GOP Rep. Jeff Fortenberry
By Joseph Morton The two Lincoln Democrats seeking to challenge incumbent Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry in Nebraska’s 1st Congressional District have the same item atop their agendas — health care. Personal injury lawyer Dennis Crawford touts the detail of his proposals and his years of doggedly calling out Fortenberry on an array of issues, while […]
KLKN: Dennis Crawford is Officially running for Office for a Second Time
Dennis Crawford, announced that he is running for a second time to represent the First District in the US congress. Dennis Crawford a lawyer from Lincoln is once again campaigning to become a U.S. representative, and he feels this time it could be different “No incumbent is safe, anything is possible this year,” says Crawford. […]
Radio Interview with The Servative Hour on KZUM
Dennis was asked by host Brian Mary to come on his talk radio show to discuss his campaign and where he stands on the issues.
LJS: Fortenberry challenger says he’s more dependable DACA supporter
By Don Walton Democratic congressional candidate Dennis Crawford suggested Wednesday he would be a more dependable supporter of DACA immigrants if he’s elected this November to succeed Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry in the House. Responding to Fortenberry’s statement on Tuesday that he supports protection of the DACA youths as part of a comprehensive package of […]
LJS: Fortenberry challengers hope to ride a Democratic wave
By Don Walton Two Democratic candidates are taking aim at Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry with a focus on health care policy, hoping that a Democratic wave in November might splash into Nebraska and carry Democrats to their first victory in the 1st Congressional District in 54 years. Dennis Crawford of Lincoln, who was the Democratic […]
OWH: Midlands Dems denounce Trump’s reported immigration comments; Republicans guarded, while Steve King tweets support
By Joseph Morton WASHINGTON — Complicated negotiations over immigration policy will only get tougher in the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s reported comments questioning why the United States should accept immigrants coming from “s—hole” countries. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, told reporters Friday that he would not have made the comments and pointed to the harm […]
LJS: Republicans hail tax bill; Democrats quickly mount protests
As Nebraska’s Republican delegation in Congress hailed the passage of a massive tax cut bill as good news for families and businesses, Democratic candidates seized on the issue Wednesday and party activists prepared to take to the streets. Democratic rallies were scheduled Wednesday evening at Senate and House offices in Lincoln, Omaha and Grand Island, […]
PJ: Lincoln lawyer challenges Fortenberry for 1st District seat
Leading his campaign championing the middle class with the war cry, “Put Nebraska First and Nebraska Always,” Dennis Crawford (D) is challenging Jeff Fortenberry (R) for the incumbent’s First District Seat in the House of Representatives. Crawford is a lifelong Lincoln resident who earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in political science at Creighton University […]