
Crawford for Congress on Health Care Reform

During the eight years of the Obama Administration, the Republicans constantly promised to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with something more generous. Donald Trump promised to replace the ACA with “something terrific” and “great health care at at tiny fraction of the cost.” He even promised to insure “everybody.” Republican members of Congress made […]

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Crawford for Congress statement on Gun Reform Now

Unfortunately, mass shootings are a regular occurrence in the U.S. We are the only country in the First World that has a problem with ongoing gun violence and carnage. As President Obama said after the Sandy Hook tragedy: “We can’t tolerate this anymore, these tragedies must end.” As a member of Congress, I would pledge […]

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Crawford Congress Statement on Fortenberry Flip Flop on DACA

For the first time in his long Congressional career, Representative Fortenberry finally came out in favor of the protection of the Dreamers. Unfortunately, Mr. Fortenberry is late to the party and this sudden change of position follows years of opposition to immigration reform. In 2010, Fortenberry had a chance to improve our broken immigration system […]

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Crawford for Congress on Higher Education Reform

One of the biggest challenges we currently face as a country is the rising cost of higher education. A strong public college and university system with affordable tuition costs is one of the keys to economic mobility and a strong middle class. Rising tuition costs and increasing student loan debt have contributed to the unfortunate […]

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Crawford for Congress statement on Salvadoran refugees living in the U.S.

Jeff Fortenberry supports the Trump Administration’s decision to cancel provisional residency permits for 200,000 Salvadorans here in the U.S. The Salvadorans are here under both a law passed during the Bush41 Administration and a decision by the Bush43 Administration in 2001. This decision by the Trump Administration will force Salvadorans who have established a life […]

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Crawford for Congress on Passage of GOP Tax Bill

In voting for the GOP tax bill, Fortenberry betrayed his constituents.  This legislation will blow up the deficit and raise taxes on many in the middle class – all to deliver a tax cut to the special interests and the top 1%.  This was a major lost opportunity to achieve real tax reform.  Instead, Fortenberry […]

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Crawford for Congress on Potential Fortenberry Support for Termination of Mueller

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry expressed concern about the alleged bias of some of Robert Mueller’s employees. What he failed to mention is that some of those same employees were also critical of prominent Democrats. Robert Mueller is a decorated Vietnam War veteran and a lifelong Republican. Moreover, Mueller was appointed FBI Director by a Republican President […]

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Crawford for Congress on Net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has introduced a plan to repeal the Obama era rules that have kept the internet fair and open.  These are the so-called “net neutrality” rules that have been in place since 2015. Ending net neutrality would put big internet service providers (ISP) like AT&T and Comcast in charge of the […]

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Crawford for Congress on the Keystone Pipeline

I’m opposed to the Keystone XL Pipeline and will be joining the march against it today in Lincoln. IMO, the pipeline is a mistake and simply isn’t necessary. As a starting point, I’m opposed to a foreign corporation using the power of eminent domain to take away land from our fellow Nebraskans. Moreover, the pipeline […]

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Crawford for Congress Statement On Indictments of Manafort and Gates

Now that some of Mr. Trump’s (former) closest associates have been indicted by the Mueller special counsel investigation, our country may soon be facing a genuine Constitutional crisis. In the past few months, Trump’s allies in the Congress and the conservative media have been calling for the resignation or termination of Robert Mueller. In addition, […]

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