Crawford For Congress Statement On Senate Health Bill

For the last eight years, the Republicans have been promising to replace the ACA with a plan that would insure more people, reduce premiums and have lower deductibles. Trump promised to replace the ACA with “something terrific.” The former TV reality star also promised “great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost” and to “insure everybody.”

My opponent, Representative Jeff Fortenberry, promised that any changes to the health care system must be “fair for everyone — nobody gets left behind.”

The details of the Senate GOP health care plan have been released and they break every promise the GOP has made since 2009. This plan would:

  • Kick 14 million off Medicaid.
  • Leave another 9 million uninsured.
  • Risk 27 million peoples’ employer based insurance policies.
  • Gut pre-existing condition protections.
  • Deductibles would skyrocket 65%.
  • The wealthiest Americans would get a $600 billion tax cut.

The process surrounding the drafting of the Senate health care bill has been shrouded in near total secrecy. There were no hearings and no public debate. McConnell has tried to keep a lid on the details because the bill is so bad. Now he wants a vote in one week on a bill that would re-order 1/6 of the nation’s economy.

Former Obama Senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer summed it up well: “Short version: People who need help will be hurt to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. They are choosing their donors over their constituents.”

Fortenberry and his fellow Republicans in Washington have broken every promise they have made on health care since 2009. They are putting Trump and the special interests first.

I’m running to put Nebraska First. Nebraska Always. It’s time for new leadership in Washington.

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