Crawford Congress Statement on Fortenberry Flip Flop on DACA

For the first time in his long Congressional career, Representative Fortenberry finally came out in favor of the protection of the Dreamers. Unfortunately, Mr. Fortenberry is late to the party and this sudden change of position follows years of opposition to immigration reform.

In 2010, Fortenberry had a chance to improve our broken immigration system but he voted against the Dream Act. Three years later in 2013, Fortenberry voted for a bill that would have defunded the DACA program and allowed the federal government to treat Dreamers in the same way as violent criminals.

In contrast, I have been a consistent supporter of DACA and the Dreamers. As a member of Congress, I would vote to protect the Dreamers and fix our dysfunctional immigration system. If you want different results out of Washington, you have to vote for different people.

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